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Impact of hartals, blockades wanes

Published : Saturday, 2 December, 2023 at 12:00 AM  Count : 365

The recent nation-wide blockades and hartals imposed by BNP and its allies seem to be losing their influence as political agitations in Bangladesh. Historically, such strikes have been potent tools for expressing dissent and rallying support. However, the little response and minimal impact on public life witnessed during the recent event signals a significant change in the socio-political fabric of the country.

The hallmark of an effective hartal has been its ability to bring daily life to a standstill, garnering widespread attention and support. Yet, this time around, the streets were bustling with the usual hustle and bustle of a regular working day. Government and private offices operated undeterred, businesses continued their usual operations, and public transport services functioned without hindrance.

A stroll through the city revealed a strikingly normal scenario-businesses, shopping complexes, and service institutions were open, attracting the typical influx of patrons. The roads, usually deserted during a hartal, teemed with various vehicles, facilitating the movement of commuters. Even the traffic congestion at certain points mirrored the routine rush hours rather than a protest-induced disruption.

Most notably, public transport operated at full capacity, catering to passengers as if it were any other regular day. Law enforcement agencies remained vigilant, ensuring security for the commuting populace, underscoring a sense of normalcy amidst the attempted disruption.

Moreover, the sight of laden trucks and inter-district buses maintaining their regular schedules added weight to the perception that the hartal failed to exert its intended influence on the country's operations.

The implications of this subdued response are multifaceted. It highlights evolving public sentiment, possibly indicating a diminishing reliance on hartals as a means of political expression. This shift in perception could stem from a growing awareness of the disruptions caused by these strikes, impacting citizens' livelihoods and the economy at large.

Additionally, it raises questions about the effectiveness of traditional modes of protest in a changing socio-political landscape. With evolving communication channels and alternative platforms for voicing dissent, the relevance and impact of conventional methods like hartals may be undergoing a transformation.

As the nation moves forward, political entities may need to reassess their strategies for mobilization and engagement of people. The dwindling impact of hartals signals a call for innovative approaches that resonate more deeply with the populace while minimizing disruptions to daily life.

In essence, the recent lacklustre response to the hartal serves as a testament to the evolving dynamics of public engagement and dissent in Bangladesh. It prompts a crucial introspection on the efficacy of traditional forms of protest and urges a re-evaluation of strategies to better align with the changing expectations and aspirations of the citizens.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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