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Unravelling the complex nexus of students politics in Bangladesh

Published : Friday, 5 April, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 395

Unravelling the complex nexus of students politics in Bangladesh

Unravelling the complex nexus of students politics in Bangladesh

Student politics in Bangladesh has long been a subject of both admiration and concern. While students are often portrayed as the vanguards of change, their involvement in politics has frequently led to turbulence and discord within educational institutions and society at large. In recent years, the impact of student politics on the phenomenon of brain drain in Bangladesh has become increasingly apparent. The labyrinthine intricacies of student politics in Bangladesh unfold a narrative fraught with perilous consequences, not least of which is its role as a chief catalyst for the phenomenon of brain drain. From the harrowing tales of oppression faced by ordinary students at the hands of power-hungry student leaders to the pervasive specter of corruption and nepotism that stains the very fabric of educational institutions, the panorama of reasons driving talented youth to seek refuge abroad is as multifaceted as it is disheartening. Diving deep into this complex web of issues reveals a landscape where the aspirations of the brightest minds are stifled, where meritocracy remains a distant ideal, and where the promise of a brighter future is overshadowed by the stark reality of systemic dysfunction. Lets talk about the threads that bind student politics to the exodus of talent from Bangladesh, shedding light on the myriad factors that compel young individuals to abandon their homeland in pursuit of greener pastures.

The atmosphere of fear created by student leaders casts a dark shadow over campuses, making them inhospitable environments for open dialogue and the free exchange of ideas. This stifling environment puts a stranglehold on academic freedom, as students find themselves unable to express their thoughts and opinions without fear of repercussion. This pervasive sense of unease and constraint leaves many students disheartened and disillusioned, as they struggle to thrive in an educational setting devoid of intellectual discourse.

Faced with the daunting prospect of limited academic freedom and constrained opportunities for intellectual growth, a growing number of students make the difficult decision to seek educational opportunities abroad. They yearn for institutions where the principles of freedom of expression and academic integrity are upheld, where they can pursue their studies without the oppressive specter of censorship looming overhead. This exodus of talent, driven by the oppressive tactics of student leaders, exacerbates the brain drain phenomenon afflicting Bangladesh.
Another significant factor contributing to brain drain in Bangladesh is the rampant corruption and unfair appointments within educational institutions. Nepotism and favouritism often dictate the selection process for faculty positions, administrative roles, and student leadership positions. Meritocracy takes a backseat to political affiliations and personal connections, leading to a sense of disillusionment and frustration among talented students.

When qualified individuals are overlooked in favour of less deserving candidates, it undermines the credibility and integrity of the education system. Students who witness such injustices firsthand are left with little faith in the system and its ability to provide them with equal opportunities for growth and advancement. Faced with limited prospects for personal and professional development within Bangladesh, many opt to pursue opportunities abroad where meritocracy is valued and rewarded.

In addition to the internal dynamics of student politics and educational institutions, economic factors also play a significant role in driving brain drain in Bangladesh. The lack of job opportunities and financial insecurity faced by many young graduates make the prospect of immigrating to more economically prosperous countries all the more appealing.

While Bangladesh has made strides in economic development in recent years, the job market remains highly competitive, particularly for recent graduates. Limited job prospects and low wages compel many talented individuals to seek opportunities abroad where they can earn higher salaries and enjoy a higher standard of living. The allure of economic stability and upward mobility abroad often outweighs the desire to remain in Bangladesh, leading to a steady outflow of skilled labour and intellectual capital.

Student politics in Bangladesh serves as a potent catalyst for brain drain, exacerbating an already complex phenomenon driven by a myriad of socio-political and economic factors. The oppression of common students by student leaders, coupled with the pervasive influence of corruption and unfair appointments within educational institutions, creates an environment that is inhospitable to intellectual growth and personal development. Addressing the root causes of brain drain in Bangladesh will require concerted efforts to reform the education system, eradicate corruption, and create a more inclusive and meritocratic society. By creating an environment that values academic freedom, promotes transparency and accountability, and provides equal opportunities for all, Bangladesh can stem the tide of brain drain and harness the potential of its young talent for the benefit of the nations development and progress.

The writer is a Lecturer, Department of English and Modern Languages, International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology(IUBAT)

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