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Khondo khondo smriti

Published : Saturday, 4 May, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 599

Khondo khondo smriti

Khondo khondo smriti

Memories are timeless treasures of the heart…

Memories are sometimes of joy, and at other times of sorrow. Thus, when someone ventures into the realm of reminiscence, they may encounter days that evoke both. However, memories also breathe new life into history, bringing forth what is lost from the deep recesses of the minds ocean, often leaving many to experience an impressive awakening.

"Khondo Khondo Smrity" by senior journalist Monwar Hossain is a poignant and captivating compilation that delves into the depths of memory and history. Through skilful storytelling and evocative prose, Hossain brings forth a tapestry of recollections that span joyous moments and sombre reflections, resonating with readers on a deeply personal level.
The essence of the book lies in its diverse subjects, ranging from the tumultuous era of student politics in the 1960s to the intricacies of economic journalism in Bangladesh. Each chapter serves as a vivid snapshot of a bygone era, shedding light on pivotal historical events and personal anecdotes that shape our understanding of Bangladeshs journey towards independence.

In particular, Hossains recollections of significant events, such as the six-point movement of 1966 and the weapon surrender, underscore the gravity of historical milestones and their enduring impact on the nations collective consciousness.

The travelogue chapters offer a refreshing escape, transporting readers to enchanting destinations like "Masaimara Safari Park" and "The Source of the Blue River". These narratives not only entertain but also broaden the readers perspective, fostering a deeper appreciation of Bangladesh. Moreover, Hossains exploration of ethical considerations in journalism adds a layer of introspection to the narrative. By addressing the responsibility of journalists to accurately represent history and uphold ethical standards, the book invites readers to contemplate the intersection of storytelling and truth-telling in journalism.

"Khondo Khondo Smrity" is not just a memoir; its a testament to the power of memory in reshaping our understanding of the past. For aspiring journalists, this book serves as a valuable guide, offering insights into narrative construction, ethical dilemmas, and the transformative potential of storytelling in journalism.

Hossains narrative style is both engaging and thought-provoking, seamlessly weaving together personal recollections with broader historical contexts. The chapters dedicated to student politics in the 1960s capture the fervour and idealism of youth activism during a critical period in Bangladeshs history.

One of the standout chapters, A Fragment of Memories from Weapon Surrender, encapsulates the weight of historical events through Hossains firsthand account. His journalistic integrity shines through as he navigates complex narratives with empathy and clarity.

The travelogue sections add a dynamic dimension to the book, showcasing Hossains versatility as a writer. His descriptions of landscapes and encounters evoke a sense of wanderlust, urging readers to explore Bangladesh beyond its urban centres.

At its core, "Khondo Khondo Smrity" is a celebration of the human experience, interwoven with threads of resilience, camaraderie, and nostalgia. With a total of 26 chapters dedicated to memories, noteworthy segments include accounts of "Airport To International Airport Transformation", "The Whereabouts of Educated Middlemen" and "Bangabandhus Return from a 1969 Table Tennis Meeting", "Alongside Vivid Descriptions of Dhaka During the Historic Rally"

For readers interested in Bangladeshs history and the evolution of journalism, this book provides a compelling narrative that enriches our understanding of the past while inspiring introspection about the role of memory in shaping our present.

"Khondo Khondo Smrity" is a masterful blend of memoir and historical documentation, resonating with readers through its vivid storytelling and profound reflections. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of memory and the art of storytelling, inviting us to embark on a journey through time and memory.

The writer is editorial assistant, The Daily Observer
Reviewed by Anika Fatima

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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