Friday | 14 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Friday | 14 February 2025 | Epaper
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Padma suddenly turns sandy at Bagha

Published : Saturday, 25 January, 2025 at 12:00 AM  Count : 320
RAJSHAHI, Jan 24: The Padma River at Chakrajapur Union in Bagha Upazila of the district has been turned into a narrow canal, suspending ferry boats.

Only two to four months back, ferry services were active in the river. But suddenly the river dried, allowing char people to pass it walking. 

There are about 18,000 people in eight chars of the union. In the rainy season, they become water-confined while hundreds of acres of croplands are submerged. Erosion turns many families homeless.
At that time, boat is their only option. Recently many drowning incidents occurred because boats capsized in the Padma River amid strong current.

A recent visit to Sarakghat in the upazila found people passing the river walking. 

Woman labourers of Jotekadirpur Village at Pakuria Union Sonavan Begum, Anera Begum. Jamena Begum, and Anema Begum said, "After work of onion leaf cutting, we are returning home. Per maund onion cutting wage is Tk 70."

Anera Begum earned Tk 250 by cutting five maunds. Her husband Jasim Uddin is sick. He can't do any work.
"Our sons are married and settled in other places. We are in great trouble. I go to onion field every day morning to cut leaves," she added.

Another female labourer Sonavan Begum said, "We communicate regularly. Only few days back, we would use boats. Now there is no water in the river. So, after work, we are going back home walking."

Golam Mostafa of Kalidaskhali Char said, the mighty Padma has been causing much harm than blessing every year; in the rainy season, flood and erosion cause damages; now, in the dry season, farming is hampered due to water crisis.

"So, we are in dilemma," he added.  

Chakrajapur Union Chairman Bablu Dewan said, from Kheyaghat of Sarakghat Chakrajapur is about four kilometre away; only two months back, thousands of char people would communicate with Sadar Upazila through boats from that Kheyaghat for business and other purposes; now in a two-month gap, the river has turned sandy; people are walking across it.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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