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Can an Anglosphere union be a potential superpower?

Published : Thursday, 16 January, 2025 at 12:00 AM  Count : 532
The British Empire is a memory of the distant past, yet the Anglosphere as a civilizational entity remains a formidable force to be reckoned with. With a high economic output, overreaching geography, and a robust military, a union of Anglosphere states would emerge as a new global power in the international arena. 

There have been many past proposals for a union between the Anglosphere states. In the 19th century, the British Empire observed a rise in political instability. In its response, the idea of an Imperial Federation became more prominent. It proposed a transnational union between Britain and its settler colonies which consisted of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Much like the imperial federation, The book" Greater Britain" by Charles Dilke played an influential role in popularizing the concept of greater cooperation and unity between Britain and its settler colonies. This concept was further developed by historians like J.R. Seeley and geopolitical thinkers such as Halford Mackinder.

Other notable persons who proposed such ideas included, Winston Churchill who was a strong proponent of unity among English-speaking peoples. Churchill endorsed the idea of a common citizenship system between members of the "English-speaking peoples".

Moreover, Margaret Thatcher revived the interest in a cooperative and united Anglosphere. She drew inspiration from historian Robert Conquest's proposal for an "Anglo-Oceanic" political association that would be "weaker than a federation, but stronger than an alliance".

In contemporary times, Canzuk, whose name contains the first letters of its member states (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK) saw extensive attention after Brexit when the UK moved away from the EU. Canzuk is a similar proposed alliance that seeks to enhance cooperation between the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada in multiple domains. And in time, these cooperations may lead to a confederation between these nations.

So, how can the Anglosphere Union be a great power? Or perhaps a superpower or a hyperpower? In order to comprehend the potential of the Anglosphere alliance, we have to dive deep into analyzing the member states' collective capabilities and influence.  

Firstly, we should showcase the geographic reach of the CANZUK states. The United Kingdom historically has played a crucial role in shaping the political landscape of Europe and Africa. This was possible due to its geographic location and its island nature which allowed for much formidable defense. 

Unlike the UK, which is a small country, Canada has a significantly larger landmass than Australia yet their small population hampers their goal of becoming more influential. Yet, Canada and Australia's geography makes them highly defensible and these two states can influence Arctic and Antarctic regions. 

Australia furthermore is closer in proximity to India, China, and Indonesia, all potential superpowers. New Zealand, a small country albeit with a high technological output and a strong workforce can enhance the capability of CANZUK union in influencing the smaller Oceanic states. 

Moving on to the military budget of the combined Canzuk countries would exceed $100 billion as of 2024 which would allow it to be a formidable force on the global stage allowing for enhanced force projection throughout the planet. Both, the UK and Australia currently have aircraft carriers. Its combined military personnel would be over 400,000 active duty troops. Its economic capability would be unmatched as it boasts over $6.5 trillion in GDP. This would allow CANZUK to become the third largest economy after China and the US. 

Culturally, the CANZUK union would be able to integrate into the world due to its language English. CANZUK countries have Similar political systems based on the Westminster model and Share legal traditions rooted in the common law. Public support for CANZUK is also notable: 70% of Australians, 75% of Canadians, and 82% of New Zealanders supported the CANZUK proposal in 2016.

A superpower is a state that can exert power globally by utilizing its resources and power. A hyperpower surpasses even the superpower in global dominance. A hyperpower has no rivals that can pose a challenge to its hegemony, much like the United States during the 1990s and 2000s. 

With the presence of formidable competitors on the international stage, it's almost impossible for CANZUK to become a superpower or a hyperpower. The world is increasingly becoming multipolar. Emerging nations like China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico will be more influential on the global stage. Thus, the Canzuk Union can be a great power with a strong economic, cultural, military, and albeit a global geographic reach in the near future. 

But, what about the potential far future? Perhaps in 2100, we can see a more united and empowered Canzuk. Well, Canzuk countries experience a high rate of skilled immigration thus, the capability of these countries will increase in the upcoming decades. Moreover, with the enhancement of communication technology, preserving a strong connection between these states would be more affordable and sustainable. Thus, Canzuk countries can utilize their collective capabilities in various spheres to become a superpower.

Moreover, CANZUK countries have a strong affinity with the United States. Enhanced cooperation with the latter can be beneficial in preserving Western Dominance throughout the globe. In an increasingly multipolar world where the West's influence is slowly declining, the Canzuk Union will be a new addition to the list of powers in the Western world. After the US and the EU, CANZUK will emerge as the third pillar of Western Civilization. 

The writer is Student, Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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