Sunday | 16 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 16 February 2025 | Epaper
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Clubs demand resignation of BCB director Fahim

Published : Wednesday, 15 January, 2025 at 9:09 PM  Count : 323

Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) director Nazmul Abedin Fahim has faced fierce opposition over his proposals as part of the board's constitutional amendment committee. 

A key point of contention is his suggestion to reduce the representation of Dhaka clubs in the draft constitution, which has sparked widespread discontent among the cricket community.
In response, representatives of 76 clubs under the Cricket Committee of Dhaka Metropolis (CCDM) convened on Tuesday and issued an ultimatum to the BCB, demanding the withdrawal of the proposed amendments by Friday. The clubs have also threatened to boycott the upcoming Dhaka First Division Cricket League, scheduled to begin on January 19, if their demands are not met.

The clubs have gone further, conditioning their future participation in domestic cricket tournaments on the resignation of Nazmul Abedin from his position as a BCB director. Without his removal, they have vowed to abstain from competing in the Dhaka League and other events.

Speaking to the media after the meeting, BCB’s former joint secretary and current councilor Rafiq-ul-Islam Babu, alongside club official Adnan Rahman Dipon, reiterated their stance and detailed the collective demands of the clubs.

This escalating dispute poses a significant challenge for the BCB, as the threat of a boycott looms large, jeopardizing the stability of domestic cricket in Bangladesh.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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