Saturday | 15 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Saturday | 15 February 2025 | Epaper

Voter list updating in six months: CEC

Published : Tuesday, 31 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 54
The Election Commission (EC) will complete voter list within next six months and update the voter list through door-to-door campaign likely to begin on January 20, 2025. 

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) AMM Nasir Uddin on Monday said, "The voter list will be updated within the next six months" at a view- exchange meeting. 

EC Additional Secretary KM Ali Newaz told the Daily Observer that, "The training for trainers to update voter list will be completed by 5 January.  We hope the programme will start in the second half of January 2025."

"People can make correction mistakes of voter lists. The final voter list would be published on March 2, 2025," he added.

The additional secretary also said information will be collected for those turning 18 by January 1, 2026, ensuring their inclusion in the 2026 voter list. However, they will not be eligible to vote in any election held in 2025.

He urged all citizens to cooperate with the voter registration process; no official confirmation has been made regarding the January 20 start date.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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