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Thursday | 13 February 2025 | Epaper

Silencing the Watchdogs is a Shortcut to Chaos

Published : Saturday, 28 December, 2024 at 9:54 PM  Count : 741
Journalists are not just observers; they’re the watchdogs of people, ensuring that power is exercised responsibly. Banning them from the secretariat—the heart of state operations—is like removing referees from a match and hoping the players will follow the rules on their own. Sounds ideal, doesn’t it? After all, who needs accountability when corruption can flourish quietly in the shadows?

Without journalists asking tough questions and exposing irregularities, miscreants would have a field day. No one to challenge their actions, no one to shed light on their schemes—it’s practically an invitation to chaos. By sidelining the press, the state weakens one of its own pillars, paving the way for secrecy, inefficiency, and corruption to thrive.

Journalists don’t weaken state security; they reinforce it by ensuring transparency. Excluding them is not just short-sighted—it’s a recipe for disaster, one that could leave the state vulnerable from within.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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