Sunday | 9 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 9 February 2025 | Epaper

Need for more English learning centers 

Published : Sunday, 29 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 432
Dear sir, 

The people of our country are very backward in learning English language. Importance must be given to the expansion of English language education. Various centers have come forward for the expansion of English language education in this country. Many of them are trying so that everyone can speak English well. 

Some English language learning centers are developing very simple methods so that everyone can easily pick up the English language and use it in their daily life. 

We want more institutions to come forward in this way to promote English language education for the people of this country. We hope that English Therapy will improve and they will conduct English language education program more easily for the people of this country.

Md Arifur Rahman Sumon
Deputy Manager & Branch In-Charge
Sadharan Bima Corporation
Savar Branch

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