Sunday | 9 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 9 February 2025 | Epaper

Will of The Frog

Published : Saturday, 21 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 1572
There was a coconut tree on the bank of a river. A hawk lived in that tree. On the other hand a frog lived in the river beside the tree. Both of them had a friendly relationship. They used to talk about happiness and sadness whenever they had time. The hawk roamed the forest to catch prey. Sometimes he flew happily in the blue sky. If he wanted, he would sit on the branches of different trees. He would come back to his nest again if he wanted. Meanwhile, the frog also roamed in the water. If he wanted, he would come up to the river bank. So, hawk could not go underwater and the frog could not fly in the blue sky and sit on the branches of a tree because of its lack of wings. The hawk had no regrets that he could not go inside the water. But the frog was sad about not being able to fly in the sky.

One day the frog wished to fly in the blue sky. So, he requested the hawk and said, "I have the will to fly on your back in the blue sky." The hawk said to him: I can fly with you but if you do not hold me properly, there will be great danger. If you fall from above, your death is inevitable." Thus way the hawk warned the frog by reminding him of various dangers. But the frog was not afraid of anything. He repeatedly requested the hawk to fulfill his desire. Finally, the hawk agreed to fly in the sky with his friend, the frog keeping on his back. For this, they fixed a day for flying in the sky. A few days later, that particular day came. The frog was waiting for the hawk on the bank of the river. The hawk came down to the frog in time. Then the frog sat on the hawk's back. 

The hawk started flying in the sky with his friend on its back. While the hawk was circling the sky, the frog was bursting with joy. After flying in the sky for a while, the hawk wanted to come down. But the frog did not agree. He repeatedly requested the hawk to take him to the top of a large tree. Having no choice, he kept his word. The hawk sat on the top branch of a big tree. The frog got off its back to the branch of the tree. He looked at the sky and the surroundings below. He was very happy to see the views of the sky and below the earth from the top of the tree. He was having a lot of fun with it.

The frog was so happy that he did not remember any danger. After a while, the frog started dancing happily on the branch. And just then he slipped and fell straight to the ground. He died as soon as he fell to the ground. The hawk was greatly distressed by the death of his friend. He took an oath not to fulfill the will of anyone else that bring death.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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