Sunday | 16 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 16 February 2025 | Epaper

Fruits Cake

Published : Saturday, 21 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 1506
v    Butter--100 gm
v    Sugar--100 gm
v    Eggs--2pc
v    Vanilla --half tsp
v    Powdered milk--2 tsp
v    Flour -- 90 gm
v    Cornflower--20 gm
v    Baking powder--1 tsp,
v    Fruits --(Marmalade, Raisins, Cherries, Kiwi, )--Total 250 gms

Method :

1.    Mix butter and sugar using whisk /spoon/ electric bitter. Add egg one after another.

2.    Now mix sift flour, vanilla powder, milk powder, 10 gmcorn flour and baking powder.Mix dry fruits,10gmcornflour then mix with the plain cake batter. 

3.    Mold the butter and line with paper. First of all, arrange dry fruits and pour the cake mixture. 

4.    Pre heat the Oven, bake at 180degree for 50 -60 min/ until the cake ls done.

5.    Sugar syrup: Water---1/2 cup, Sugar - 2 tbsp, Butter - 1 tbsp. Mix and boil all together in the stove. When the sugar melts, remove it when it boils well.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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