Tuesday | 14 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Tuesday | 14 January 2025 | Epaper

CMCH Burn Unit

Construction works to begin this month

Published : Saturday, 14 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 186
CHATTOGRAM, Dec 13: The authorities are now completely prepared to begin construction works of the international standard and modern 150-bed specialised Burn Unit in the Chattogram Medical College Hospital (CMCH) campus this month, according to Brig Gen Taslimuddin Ahmed, Director of CMCH.

 "The Health and Family Welfare Adviser will inaugurate the construction works of the project," he said.

He also said that the Chinese Ambassador will attend the inaugural function.

The Health and Family Welfare Adviser will announce the date of inauguration as her available time.

He said that the "Bangladesh-China Friendship Burn Unit, Chattogram" would be constructed within the compound of CMCH at Guachi Bagan area.

The construction works of the unit was supposed to begin in September last. But the works had been delayed due to anti-discrimination movement of the student, he said.

Recently, the Chinese delegation has agreed to begin the construction works during the current month.

Earlier, the Development Project Proposal (DPP) for construction of the burn unit had been approved in the meeting of the Executive Committee of National Economic Council (ECNEC) held in the capital on May last. Earlier in January the DPP was approved in the Pre-ECNEC meeting.

Meanwhile, an agreement between the Chinese government and the Ministry of Health of Bangladesh was signed in this connection.

The lands selected by the Chinese team have already been cleared which was occupied by the people illegally.

Over an area of 36,000 square feet of land handed over to the Chinese team. The Chinese government is interested to construct the specialised burn unit of a six-storey building of 96,000 square feet having 16000 square feet in each floor. The unit will contain 10 ICU and 25 HDU.

The specialised burn unit will be used as a referal hospital for five crore people of the Chattogram Division for burn and plastic surgery.

The proposed specialised unit is expected to facilitate the treatment of burn patients from nine districts of Chattogram Division, which is home to some five crore people. Currently, they largely depend on the 26-bed burn unit of the CMCH.

The specialised burn unit will have infection control measures, dedicated operation theatres and ICUs, which, in conjunction, will be able to provide international-quality services.

According to the DPP, China will be providing 118 million yuan (around Tk180 crore) and the Bangladesh government Tk 51.22 crore for the project.

The proposal also seeks approval of 1,065 man power for a self-contained 150-bed unit with advanced treatment facilities for burn victims on 3,500 square metres of land of the Chattogram Medical College Hospital (CMCH). 

The proposal has already been sent to the health directorate for approval. As per the contract, the project duration is 22 months.

The manpower list includes 2 chief consultants, 10 senior consultants, 87 consultants, 1 assistant director, 4 resident surgeons, 9 registrars, 18 assistant registrars, 110 assistant surgeons, and 310 Nurses. There will also be 4 second class, 92 third class, and 418 fourth class employees.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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