Tuesday | 14 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Tuesday | 14 January 2025 | Epaper

BNP demands polls in 3 to 4 months

Published : Tuesday, 10 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 175
BNP Standing Committee Member Dr Moyeen Khan on Monday asked the government to hold the general election in three to four months after quickly updating the voter list using Artificial Intelligence (AI) without going to the 18 crore people door to door. 

Speaking at a press conference at BNP Chairperson's Gulshan office he said, "We want an accurate voters' list. But, it does not need going to voters door. Today AI is very advanced and credible. We can use AI to update our voter list within short time.

Going door to door is extremely time consuming and unnecessary and prone to errors, he said, adding "We made it clear in our reform proposal, we presented to the Election Commission (EC). 

He said BNP proposed to the EC to cancel the RPO amended during the previous government's tenure.

 He presented 10-point reform proposal at  the press conference.

Members of the party's standing committee, Nazrul Islam Khan, Salahuddin Ahmed also spoke.

Nazrul Islam Khan said, "According to BNP's proposals, it will be possible to hold the election quickly." 

There is nothing new to do, he said. "We demanded strengthening the Election Commission with a separate  Secretariat," he said.

He said, "It should not take more than three to four months to complete the reforms the interim government has taken at its hands."

BNP Standing Committee member Salah Uddin Ahmed said, "We demanded   reforms of some of the laws.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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