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Auto-rickshaw driver found dead inside Noakhali septic tank

Published : Monday, 9 December, 2024 at 8:46 PM  Count : 209
The body of a battery-operated auto-rickshaw driver was discovered inside a septic tank at Kaladrab union in Noakhali's sadar upazila on Monday. 

The victim, Mohammad Robin Hossain, 16, son of Maku Mia Soudhagar and a resident of Rajhoritaluk village, was found dead at Chuldagi area in the union.

It was known that Robin had been working as an auto-rickshaw driver and was living with his stepmother. On the evening of December 3, Robin went missing along with his auto-rickshaw from DB Road. His family later learned that he was seen struggling with an unidentified group of people, including one Juwel, 26, who was from the same village, near the location that evening. 

When questioned about Robin, Juwel gave inconsistent answers which raised suspicion. Subsequently, Jewel was beaten by locals and handed over to the police.  

Six days after his disappearance, on Monday morning, locals found Robin's body in the septic tank and immediately informed the police.  

Sudaram Police Station officer-in-charge Kamrul Islam confirmed that Robin had been strangled with a cloth. The victim's stepmother filed a general diary (GD) on December 5 and when the police failed to locate Robin, the case was turned into an abduction investigation. 

During the investigation, police traced Robin's mobile phone and arrested two suspects, who had been using his phone. Police are continuing their investigation into the case, he added.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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