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Benefits of reading books

Published : Saturday, 7 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 355
Books are necessary for life, for the success of life and for the development of human civilization. Reading books is an important means of mental, cognitive, and social improvement. It helps to develop people's thinking, creativity and vision. Books are the foundation of knowledge. By reading books on various subjects, we can gain new information and ideas, which will help us later in personal and professional life. A good book opens up a person's mind as well as helps to light up the mind by expanding and developing knowledge and intellect. Books are man's greatest treasures. No material wealth can be compared with it. One day all the worldly wealth may perish, but the knowledge gained from a good book will never perish, it will keep the lamp of knowledge burning in the heart forever. 

As many of us may know, all those who have reached the pinnacle of success today have the habit of reading books. They enriched themselves every day by reading books. Bill Gates writes 50 books a year. Mark Cuban reads more than three hours a day. Elon Musk learned rocket science by reading books. 

A book doesn't just give information, it gives questions, and it teaches you to think again.Our knowledge is greatly expanded by reading books. The more books you read, the more knowledge you will gain. There is a lot of unknown information in the book. When we read the book, we can get acquainted with the different types of information contained within the book. Books can make a man truly wise, and knowledge always enriches a man. 

A study has shown that the habit of reading books helps people to prevent two diseases called 'Dementia' and 'Alzheimer's'. The stimulation and excitement created in the human brain by reading books helps to keep the human brain healthy. Reading a book is a brain exercise. Just as we exercise to keep the body healthy, reading books is especially important to keep the brain strong and active. "Jonathan Swift said," "Books are the children of the brain." "" While reading, the reader's mind wanders in a different world and can focus on the subject to be read. In this way, the mental exercise of the reader increases due to the various movements of the brain through the book.

Reading books reduces the stress of the reader. Many people resort to exercise to reduce their stress, some do yoga again. But if people with mental disorders read good books to get back to normal life, they can live a stress-free life. In 2009, scientists at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom examined heart rate and muscle tension monitoring and found that some activities help reduce stress. They found that reading a book for just a few minutes reduced stress levels by up to 68%, which is much more effective than walking (42%), drinking coffee (54%) or listening to music (61%). By fully immersing ourselves in reading books, the things that make us uncomfortable or increase the stress level are greatly reduced. 

"Napoleon Hill's 238-page" "Think and Grow Rich" "took the author 20 years to complete, and Victor Hugo's" "La Miserable," "one of the greatest novels of all time, took 12 years to complete." The book has 80 pages. If a person's normal reading speed is 250 wpm, it will take 6 hours to finish reading the first book and 2 hours and 1 minute to read the second book. So 20 and 12 years of experience we can know in just a few hours. This explains why it is important to read books. In various books, the author discusses his life's successes and failures and chronicles how he overcame those failures. From that article or story, it is known that by adopting any path and method, success is ensured and the possibility of mistakes is also reduced. Books open the mind to new ideas and experiences. "Oscar Wilde said," "What you read today, you will become tomorrow." 

Books help us to improve our memory. When we read a book, we have to remember the innumerable facts contained in the book. Whether it is a novel, whether it is a love story, whether it is a historical or political or detective series or someone's autobiography, we have to remember the name of the character of that novel or story, history, place, purpose of the novel, plot, legend. Otherwise you won't understand the story. When we do the work of remembering these information, our brain gets a lot of exercise, which increases memory power. Books also create new connections in our brain, which increases our interest in learning and memory. 

Books increase the knowledge of technology. Books are the source of knowledge and information. Books are not an alternative to technology. The more books people read, the more they can keep up with the world's modern technology. Books are one of the most important means of communication. Through this, people can familiarize themselves with the advanced technology of the developed world and become proficient in modern technology and sustainable technology. 

Reading books on a regular basis increases concentration power - this has come up in modern research. As our attention decreases by constantly moving in the virtual world, the habit of multitasking increases. As a result, our stress levels increase and our productivity decreases. But when we read a story book, our attention is drawn to the world inside the book. 

Since reading books develops our intellect and mindfulness, books can be our best friends and by reading books, we can change the course of our lives and rise to the pinnacle of progress. Developing the habit of reading books helps to bring progress, peace and prosperity in our lives, therefore, reading books should be taken as an indispensable habit at every stage of life. As Marcus Tullius Cicero said, "A room without books is a body without a soul." 

The writer is from Department of  Philosophy, Jagannath University

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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