Dear Sir,
Digital prostitution is a new term on digital platforms. It is increasing day by day. It creates anxiety and insecurity in social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Instagram. In particular, Indian girls and middle-aged women are involved in this sex industry. Importantly, Bangladeshi girls and married women work together to earn money. Firstly, they target reputed and rich man's social profile. Then they sent friend requests and messages to messenger directly. After that, they talk wisely and offer to call on WhatsApp. This time, they offer to prepare moments through sending photos and videos. At this moment, people fall into their traps and those who uncover their dress are attractive and beautiful. Fourthly, they force people to show the sexual organs of men or clients. Finally, they do evil, unsocial, and unlawful activities, then save the screen video for blackmail and get a lot of money. If anyone denies their demand, they share the video on social media.
We should be aware of and avoid such unknown messages, links, numbers, and these activities on social media.
Mohammad Al Amin
Department of Public Administration
Comilla University