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Wednesday | 22 January 2025 | Epaper

Army honours, awards Liberation War heroes 28 soldiers decorated for their peacetime roles

Published : Monday, 2 December, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 229
The Bangladesh Army honoured military personnel who received awards for their role in the country's Liberation War, alongside distinguished freedom fighters and their families.

The ceremony, held on Sunday at the Army Multipurpose Complex in Dhaka Cantonment to mark this year's Armed Forces Day, paid tributes to the heroes who played important roles in the nation's fight for independence.

Army Chief Gen Waker-uz-Zaman exchanged pleasantries with the awardees and the relatives of the war heroes during the event, according to a media release.

The Army Chief also recognised the exceptional contributions of 28 soldiers for the year 2023-2024, awarding them military decorations in recognition of their roles during peacetime.

Among the recipients were five soldiers awarded the Army Medal, five honoured with the Exceptional Service Medal, and 18 recipients of the Distinguished Service Medal. The awardees, their relatives, senior military officers, soldiers, invited guests and media representatives attended the event.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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