Friday | 24 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Friday | 24 January 2025 | Epaper

Registration will enable govt earn Tk 5,000 cr annually from battery-run rickshaws: BPWA

Published : Tuesday, 26 November, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 156
Bangladesh Passenger Welfare Association (BPWA) said on Monday if city corporations, municipalities and upazila councils give registration to 40 lakh battery run auto-rickshaw and provide licence to auto-rickshaw drivers, the government will earn Tk 5,000 crore annually.

BPWA leaders in a written statement at a press conference at Dhaka Reporters Unity, demanded formulation of policy for battery-powered rickshaws and small vehicles in emergency situations, '.
BPWA Secretary General Mozammel Haque Chowdhury said, "Leaders and activists of Awami League government, extorted Tk 40 thousand crore from auto-rickshaws drivers. 

During this period the number of auto-rickshaw increased in all roads and highways of the country including the main roads of the capital, he said.

He said, "Many Awami League MPs and ministers were also involved in illegal activities by operating illegal vehicles."

He said, "Bangladesh Passenger Welfare Association observed that, due to the uncontrolled growth of motorcycles, battery-powered rickshaws, three-wheelers and easy bikes road accidents and fatalities are increasing across the country." 

On average 17 accidents daily and three injured persons  are admitted to  hospitals only for those illegal vehicles, he said.  

Road accidents across the country increased due to the reckless and commercial use of motorcycles, battery-powered rickshaws, easybikes and auto-rickshaws, he said.
The association made eight recommendations to solve the problems caused by battery-powered auto-rickshaws.

Recommendations include finalising and publishing the draft policy of 'Proper Management and Control of three-wheelers and Homogeneous Motor Vehicles-2021 in the official gazette.

Modify the body of battery-powered rickshaws by involving technical universities and the Army, says a recommendation. 

Import of battery operated rickshaws' spare parts should be stopped, says a recommendation.

Running easybikes, battery-powered rickshaws,  auto-rickshaws should be strictly stopped on highways and  movement of easy bikes should be banned on the main roads of the cities, says a recommendation.

BPWA demanded providing one week's  minimum training and license to every battery operated rickshaw driver.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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