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Friday | 24 January 2025 | Epaper

Four 'commit suicide' in 4 dists

Published : Thursday, 21 November, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 175
Four people including a woman have allegedly committed suicide in separate incidents in four districts - Naogaon, Bogura, Natore and Laxmipur, in four days.

PORSHA, NAOGAON: A man reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself in Porsha Upazila of the district on Tuesday night.
The deceased was identified as Golam Mawla, 32, son of late Sajir Uddin, a resident of Badkoyenda Village under Ganguria Union in the upazila.
It was known that Golam Mawla hanged himself from a branch of a mango tree in front of his house at night. 

Being informed, police recovered the body. 

The deceased's wife Latifan Begum claimed that her husband was a mentally imbalanced person. 

Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Porsha Police Station (PS) Shahin Reza confirmed the incident.  

BOGURA: A young man reportedly committed suicide after jumping down from a 16-story hospital building in Sadar Upazila of the district on Tuesday.

The incident took place at around 5 am on the premises of TMSS Medical College Hospital in Thengamara area under the upazila.

The deceased was identified as Mamunur Rashid, 38, son of Abdur Rahim, a resident of Telihara Village in the upazila. He worked as an area manager at ACI Company in Noakhali.

Quoting the TMSS Medical College Hospital staffs, police said that after 10 pm on Monday, the man tried to jump from the railing of the 17th floor of TMSS Medical College Hospital. 

The people present there pulled him out. In the morning, he again jumped from the 16th floor of the hospital.

Being informed, police recovered the body and sent it to Bogura Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital morgue for an autopsy. 

It was known that Mamunur Rashid had been missing from his workplace for some days. The deceased's family members lodged a general diary in this connection as well.

Bogura Sadar PS OC SM Moinuddin confirmed the incident, adding that necessary steps would be taken in this regard.

BAGATIPARA, NATORE: A housewife has died after consuming toxic gas tablets used for killing rats in Bagatipara Upazila of the district on Sunday night.

The deceased was identified Rashida Begum, 37, wife of Aminul Islam, a resident of Chakhorirampur area under Bagatipara Sadar Union in the upazila. 

According to police and local sources, Rashida's husband works in Rooppur of Ishwardi Upazila in Pabna District and she was staying at home in Bagatipara along with their children. Allegedly being upset with her children, Rashida consumed the gas tablets on Sunday evening.
Neighbours became aware of the situation when the poison started taking effect. They then rescued her and rushed Rashida to Bagatipara Upazila Health Complex, but as her condition worsened further, she was referred to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH). 

Later on, she died at night on the way to the RMCH.

Being informed, police recovered the body and sent it to Natore Sadar Hospital morgue for an autopsy on Monday.

Bagatipara Model PS OC Aminul Haque confirmed the incident, adding that legal action would be taken in this regard.

KAMALNAGAR, LAXMIPUR: A boy allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself out of huff with his parents in Kamalnagar Upazila of the district on Saturday night.

The deceased was identified as Tareq Hossain, 11, son of Riaz Hossain, a resident of Char Lawrence area in the upazila. He worked in a workshop at the local Karaitala Bazar. 

Police and the deceased's family sources said that Tareq's father Riaz and mother Taslima Begum went to his maternal grandparents' house in Jamidarhat area on Saturday afternoon. As they did not want to take him with them, Tareq hanged himself from the ceiling of a room in the house in the evening out of huff with his parents.

Later on, the family members saw his hanging body and informed the police.

Being informed, police recovered the body and handed it over to the family members without an autopsy as per their request.
Kamalnagar PS OC Md Tahidul Islam confirmed the incident.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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