CHATTOGRAM, Nov 17: The detailed design of eight-lane Dhaka-Chattogram Highway is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2025.
Upgrading of Dhaka-Chattogram Highway is expected to begin in June 2026, said Sabbir hasan Khan Additional Cheif Engineer of RHD and also the Project Director.
The Roads and Highways Department and the Consultant have been working to prepare feasibility study report, Development of Project Proposal (DPP) and tender processing.
"Consultant SMEC is expected to submit draft feasibility study report in March," he said.
SMEC began preparing the feasibility studies in April, 2023, to complete in December, he hoped.
As per the contract, the companies will get Tk 44 crore. In 2025 the authorities will float tenders and complete DPP. In June 2026, project may begin, RHD sources said.
RHD sources said that Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank,Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and other donor agencies will finance the project. Over 90 per cent of Bangladesh's $130 billion foreign trade depends on Chattogram Port.
The highway was upgraded to four-lane from two-lane, eight years back.