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Father's bid to 'commit suicide' after killing two sons in city

Published : Saturday, 16 November, 2024 at 4:33 PM  Count : 348

A man has allegedly attempted to commit suicide after slitting throats of his 7-year-old and 3-year-old sons at Pallabi in the capital on Saturday morning.

The incident happened at Bagertek in Pallabi at about 10:30am on Saturday (November 16).

The slain two children were Rohan ,7 and Musa, 3. They were the children of Ahad Molla and Rozina Akter couple. They live on the ground floor of a three-storeyed house at Bagertek in Pallabi. Ahad Molla works as a security guard at a house, while Rozina works as a cook at mess.

Police rescued the killer father Md Ahad Molla and admitted him to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH).

Mother Rozina Akter said: "Ahad came home from work in the morning. Keeping the two sons at home, I went to cook at a mess. At about 9:30am, I learnt from a neighbour that my husband murdered my two sons slitting their throats and then tried to slit his own throat. Receiving information, I rushed to the home."

At about 2:00pm, Pallabi police went to the house and recovered the bodies. Policed then sent the bodies to the Dhaka Medical Collge Hospital morgue for postmortem.

Pallabi Police Station sub-inspector Adil Hossain said that the murders might have been committed in sequel to various conflicts including family feuds.

Man attempts suicide after 'slaughtering 2 sons' at Pallabi
Related topic   Subject:  Father   attempts suicide   killing sons   Pallabi  

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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