Sunday | 16 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 16 February 2025 | Epaper

Technical assistance may be taken from US to bring back smuggled money: Finance Adviser 

Published : Monday, 21 October, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 215
Finance and Commerce Adviser Dr Salehuddin Ahmed said on Sunday technical assistance may be taken from Washington to bring back the smuggled money.

He said, Bangladesh Bank Governor has gone to Washington, we are also going. Bringing back laundered money is our priority.
He told reporters replying to a question after attending advisory council committee meeting on government procurement at the secretariat.
Asked about the decision to set up a commission to bring back the laundered money, he said, there is already a task force on laundered money and talks have been held with Bangladesh Bank Governor. This will require some technical assistance.

Asked whether there is a need to form a commission, he said, "I will not say anything about the formation of the commission. 
Already a task force is there, he said, adding there is also a national committee for this. When the commission is formed, talk to me and see what it says."

Asked how long it could take to bring back laundered money, he said that it cannot be said. 

The work has already started, money was laundered over many years, now you are asking me to bring back immediately.

In response to the question that there has been relief in the market after import of eggs, but there is no relief in the vegetable market, he said that vegetables are seasonal, there will be relief in the vegetable market. 

TCB is also working to solve the problems, he said, adding some private organisations also took their own initiative. They are doing it on their own, we are also encouraging them, he said.

Salehuddin Ahmed said, "I will not say anything about failure or success," when his attention was drawn to a  coordinator's comment, "You failed to break trade syndicates."

It is to be noted that on September 29, the task force formed to bring back money smuggled out of the country was reconstituted with Bangladesh Bank Governor as its President.

On May 5, 2022, the fallen Awami League government had formed a task force in this regard. It was later reconstituted on January15, 2023. The reconstituted task force was convened by the Attorney General on January 15, 2023.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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