Monday | 10 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Monday | 10 February 2025 | Epaper

Keep unfit vehicles, illegal drivers off roads

Published : Wednesday, 2 October, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 351
Dear Sir

There are no signs of stopping the death procession on the road. Highways and regional roads as well as roads in remote areas have become a scene of road accidents. Every day, tragic accidents are taking place on the roads and highways of the country due to unfit vehicles, amateurs and illegal drivers. Nearly 5 lakh unregistered vehicles are transporting passengers and goods on roads. Nasimon, Votovti and Easybike are no less.

On the other hand, more than one-fifth of drivers have no licences. Illegal drivers with faulty vehicles are constantly involved in speed racing, overtaking and creating various chaoses on the road. Without bothering about people's lives, some dishonest influential political individuals and corrupt government responsible members are involved in illegal syndicate trade. 

The government and the concerned authorities are aware of the free and destructive movement of illegal vehicles and drivers, but due to the lack of political will and strict enforcement of the law, illegal syndicates cannot be destroyed. 

Abu Faruk

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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