About 5.45 lakh children will be fed vitamin 'A' plus capsule in Chattogram on Saturday during the countrywide campaign.
Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) Mayor Mohammad Rezaul Karim Chowdhury will inaugurate the vitamin 'A' Plus campaign on Saturday morning.
Under the campaign, about 85,000 children aged between six months and 11 months will be given capsule with blue color while about 4.60 lakh children aged between 12 and 59 months will be administered with red color capsule on the day.
Chief Health Officer Dr Md Imam Hossain Rana of Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) informed this at a press conference organised by CCC Health Department at CCC General Hospital on Thursday.
He said total 1,321 permanent and temporary vaccination centers will be set up at 41 wards in the city.
Dr Md Imam Hossain Rana said there is no alternative to vitamin A Plus to prevent night blindness and to protect children from malnutrition.
CCC Panel Mayor Md Gias Uddin, Councilor Zahar Lal Hazari, Hasan Murad Biplob, Assistant Health Officer Rafiqul Islam, Dr. T Chakraborty, Sumon Talukder, Hasan Murad Chowdhury, Jewel Mahajan, Akil Mahmud Nafe, Abu Saleh, Hosne Ara, Didarul Munir Rubel, Shahnaz Akhter, Public Relations Officer Aziz Ahmed were also present at the press conference.