Friday | 17 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Friday | 17 January 2025 | Epaper

Dhaka aims to reduce noise pollution

Published : Wednesday, 27 March, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 859
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is a metropolis active with commerce, culture, and life. However, in addition to its dynamic nature, the city confronts major challenges, especially during the areas of transportation and pollution control. In response to these concerns, Dhaka started a process of sustainable urban development, supported by comprehensive legal structures that promote environmentally friendly modes of transportation and reduce noise pollution.

Central to Dhakas aims towards sustainable urban transport is the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), a complete blueprint that directs the transit infrastructure of the city. The NUTP, which was put into effect as a response to the increasing traffic congestion and environmental degradation in the city, places significant emphasis on the advancement of public transportation, non-motorized commuting options, and the incorporation of land use and transport planning. The policy seeks to promote ecological sustainability and decrease dependence on personal cars by placing emphasis on pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, cycle lanes, and reliable rapid transit systems.

The Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA), which was established to enforce regulatory measures and improve transport operations, serves as a complement to the NUTP. The DTCA, which is responsible for monitoring the execution of the NUTP, takes a critical function in facilitating collaboration among diverse transport stakeholders, guaranteeing adherence to sustainable transport standards, and encouraging inventive approaches to urban transportation solutions. The DTCA aims to improve accessibility, mitigate traffic congestion, and reduce travel times by implementing measures such as the establishment of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) paths and the expansion of the metro rail network. These efforts are intended to foster a more sustainable and efficient urban transportation system.

The Bangladesh Road Transport Authority Act of 2018 is a paradigm shift in Dhaka towards sustainable urban transport. The purpose of this legislation is to modernize and regulate the road transport industry in order to promote environmentally favorable, safer, and more efficient modes of transportation. The Act stipulates that policies for the promotion of public transportation, including measures to reduce congestion and emissions, must be formulated in accordance with Section 7.
In addition, for the purpose of integrating sustainability into transportation operations and planning, the National Sustainable Transport Policy (NSTP) of 2015 establishes a comprehensive structure. This policy values the advancement of non-motorized travel, the enhancement of public transit infrastructure, and the improvement of freight transportation activities. By integrating urban transport initiatives with the NSTP, Dhaka has the potential to decrease traffic congestion and diminish the ecological consequences of transportation operations.

The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act of 1995 functions as a fundamental legislation in the field of noise regulation, addressing various forms of environmental pollution such as noise pollution. Section 4 of the Act confers authority upon the government to implement noise control regulations and standards, as well as undertake other measures required to prevent and manage pollution.

Additionally, pollution control measures within the city limits are regulated by the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance of 1976. By prohibiting the use of loudspeakers and other raucous instruments in public spaces during specific hours, Section 26 of the ordinance seeks to protect citizens from excessive noise disturbances and preserve the tranquility of residential areas.

Environmental Conservation Act of Bangladesh (1995) The noise pollution control measures are encompassed by this law. The government is authorized by Section 8 of the Act to establish noise pollution control standards and regulate noise levels in urban areas. Enforcement of penalties for non-compliance and implementation of noise abatement strategies are required.

The Court of the Environment Act (2010) To preside over cases involving environmental offenses, such as noise pollution, these statutes instituted specialized environmental tribunals. In regard to noise pollution complaints and the enforcement of noise control regulations, Section 9 of the Act establishes a legal structure.

Despite the presence of these legal frameworks, challenges endure in their efficient execution and enforcement. Inadequate infrastructure, restricted resources, and a lack of public understanding all contribute to the continuation of unsustainable transportation practices and noise pollution in Dhaka. Hence, it is imperative that government agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector collaborate harmoniously in order to comprehensively address these challenges.

However, opportunities exist for enhancement. Concrete advancements in urban mobility and pollution levels can be achieved through the enhancement of public participation in decision-making processes, the reinforcement of institutional capacity, and the allocation of resources towards sustainable transport infrastructure.

Dhakas legal structures pertaining to pollution control and sustainable urban transportation serve as an important basis for solving the citys most urgent environmental and public health issues. By strategically capitalizing on these legislations and implementing comprehensive methodologies that combination environmental factors into transportation planning, Dhaka can progress towards a future that is both sustainable and habitable for its inhabitants.

In the context of the ongoing transformation of the city, it is critical to give priority to the enforcement of current legislation while jointly investigating new ideas for reducing the negative impact of urbanization on noise pollution and transportation. By means of collaborative endeavors involving governmental entities, non-governmental organizations, and the general populace, Dhaka has the potential to overcome the challenges related to urban transportation and pollution regulation, thereby establishing itself as a paradigm for sustainable development in the vicinity.

The writer is a second year student, Department of Law & Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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