Thursday | 20 February 2025 | Reg No- 06
Thursday | 20 February 2025 | Epaper

Duck farming makes farmers solvent at Dumuria

Published : Sunday, 31 December, 2023 at 12:00 AM  Count : 415
DUMURIA, KHULNA, Dec 30: Duck farmers are benefitting in Dumuria Upazila of the district from increased demand of duck meat.

Several lakhs of ducks are farmed commercially in the upazila yearly for producing meat and selling in pieces. Along with meeting their nutrition demand, they are getting financial benefits by selling duck meat in Khulna town and other areas.

In the upazila duck meat is selling at a large scale at different weekly haats including Chuknagar, and Koiya Bazar in the upazila. Per kilogram (kg) duck meat is selling at Tk 550-600 while per piece duck is selling at Tk 450-500.

Two duck growers of Shibpur Village at Shovna Union Khamarisumanta Pal and Pintu Sarkar said, "After receiving training from the Upazila Livestock Resources office, we are cultivating ducks. But at present, we are not getting expected profits as chick and feed prices have increased. We will be benefitted if the department concerned give us financial assistance and medicine."

A meat seller of Gonali Village at weekly Dumuria Haat Kartik said, he purchases a duck of 1.6/7 kg weight at Tk 500 and sells its meat at Tk 550 per kg; he gets a little profit after adjusting his carrying cost.
Veterinary Surgeon of the Upazila livestock office Dr Priyanka Kundu said, at present, the duck farming is increasing yearly. "We are providing medicine and necessary advice," he added.

A visit to Shibpurbadur Gachha found thousands of ducks in ponds. Pintu Sarkar said, "I don grow these as duck chicks; they are like my children. These are stairs of changing my lot."

Upazila Livestock Officer Md Ashraful Kabir said, "We are always ready to train up new entrepreneurs. We provide free of cost vaccination advice and technical assistance though our office."

Per vaccine is available at the government rate of Tk 0.50 in the office.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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