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Vitamin 'A' capsule campaign begins Tuesday

Published : Monday, 11 December, 2023 at 9:15 PM  Count : 4675

The vitamin 'A' capsule campaign will commence on Tuesday (12 December) where the government planned to feed the capsules to 2.20 crore children across the country.

The children will be fed two types of capsules while the children aged between 6-11 months will get blue color capsules and aged between 12-59 months red color capsules.
The health ministry sources said blindness problem has reduced significantly in the country due to feeding of vitamin A-plus capsules.

After independence of the country, over 4 per cent children suffered from blindness for vitamin A deficiency but now only 0.01 per cent children suffer from blindness problem, it added.

Among them, a total of 5,26,240 children in six upazilas of Dhaka district will get the capsules, said Dr Yasmin Nahar, deputy civil surgeon of Dhaka district.

A total of 40,000 health workers have been attached at 1.12 lakh centres to make the campaign a success.

Vitamin A deficiency is a serious threat to both mother and child health, they said, adding that the impact of vitamin A deficiency is not only limited to blindness but also increases death risk by causing various diseases.


Over 5 lakh children to get vitamin A capsules in Dhaka

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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