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Monday | 13 January 2025 | Epaper

Kalurghat Railway Bridge renovation kicks off

Published : Wednesday, 2 August, 2023 at 12:00 AM  Count : 344
CHATTOGRAM, Aug 1: Kalurghat Railway Bridge renovation has begun for which the railway authorities on Tuesday stopped train movement on it for three months.

After the renovation, passenger trains will be pressed for the first time on way to Cox's Bazar Tourist City over this bridge.
But, motorised vehicles will move under the bridge using ferry service.
Railway authorities are repairing the decking and pavement of the bridge as well as the train line on the bridge.

Train movement over the bridge on way to Cox's Bazar is set to begin in September, said Railway Engineering Department.

It said that the bridge will remain closed till October 31 for the renovation.

Railway Eastern Chief Engineer Mohammad Abu Jafar Miah told the Daily Observer that the Kalurghat bridge renovation began on Tuesday.

The contractor began bringing construction materials and equipment at the site.

A new walkway will be constructed on the bridge for the pedestrians, he said.

He also said that vehicular movement on the bridge will remain closed during the repair.

The Roads and Highways Department has launched a ferry service using three ferries out of which one will remain standby.

Although the ferry toll rate has been fixed, the Roads and Highways Department found no lessee to collect the toll.

Railway sources said that on June 18, the contract was signed with Max Infrastructure Limited, a contractor, to repair the bridge as suggested by BUET.

This century-old dilapidated bridge will be renovated at a cost of Tk 55 crore to make suitable for passenger train movement on Dhaka-Chattagram-Cox's Bazar route.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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