Friday | 17 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Friday | 17 January 2025 | Epaper

Let today's elections set a new trend of fair and participatory polls

Published : Sunday, 30 December, 2018 at 12:00 AM  Count : 1068
Previously the country witnessed 10 national elections in the past riddled with irregularities, mismanagement, protests, objections and counter objections, limited participation and a long list of flaws. Our expectation for today's 11th JS election is that it will set a new trend that we can and we are able to hold free, fair and participatory general polls. Coupled with support from law enforcement agencies, and the defence establishment, we can also arrange general elections free of violence. And we are capable of electing the correct leader.

Our plea to our political parties is, there is victory and defeat in any election. Whatever, the results may be, they should accept it while shunning violence. Our request for the winning party is that--it will promise to make the parliament functional by effectively incorporating the defeated side. Our plea, to both the winner and the loser is to set a new exemplary trend of free, fair and participatory national polls in future. Their politics must not be solely to assume state power, but to serve the needs of the public by upholding democratic non-communal and Liberation War spirits.

As much as the government, it's also a crucial responsibility for the voters to make the 11th JS polls a success. That said--elections are meant for the people, and only they can make it meaningful by participating in greater numbers in order to fulfil and exercise their democratic right. It's only their mandate, or a public mandate for that matter, required to elect and endorse a government, and the public must actively cooperate with the elected government.

However, the million dollar question, on today's national polls essentially comes down to this: would changing governments just for the sake of change be good for democracy in Bangladesh?

Governments were changed based on public mandates before, but democracy hadn't been strengthened. And random change necessarily does not promise a better political future. This has been proved time again in the previous national elections. Sometimes stability and continuity is essential to take the country to sustainable development  and institutionalisation of democracy.

And the people of Bangladesh will prove it this time. In concluding words, it's a collective patriotic obligation for all of us to participate in todays national polls for deciding the country's future. Let's prove our duty and devotion for the country appropriately to the rest of the world. 

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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