Some days are to be spent- In a world outside the window, Or maybe losing yourself in a book, Far away from the world. Where you sit beside the river
and wrapped by the twinkling skies, Somewhere, where the birds fly freer And your worries look smaller.
Some days are to be felt- Being in love, passionately in love, With every strangers you meet. And sitting down at a café, You remember the heart-achingly gorgeous smile You caught crossing the paths Without even knowing their names Or destination.
Some days are to be lived- Letting the light Pouring all over your soul And with a smile upon your face Smearing the tears Dumping all the fears And dreaming again about the times Those're yet to come.
Some days are to be expected- For yourself to become a beautiful reality Which you've always dreamed about And to embrace the untamed thoughts By converting them into beautiful cities Inviting your friends to take a walk in To finally see your words and your songs!
Iffat Tasnim Alam loves coffee, shayari, rainstorms, and conversation with her good friend at Northend