In the wake of Sheikh Hasina-led government fall on August 5, a series of attacks on several police stations, outposts, and various police units in different regions across the county took places. These incidents led to looting of a significant number of weapons and ammunition from police arsenals by miscreants.
However, Police Headquarters (HQ) media division on Wednesday afternoon stated that police have successfully recovered 309 stolen weapons and 6,258 rounds of ammunition till Wednesday, nine days after these events.
According to the headquarters's statement, the recovered items include 309 different types of weapons, 6,258 rounds of ammunition, 318 tear gas shells, 2 tear gas grenades, and 9 sound grenades.
Additionally, media division of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) also reported that RAB-7 recovered 35 weapons, 275 rounds of ammunition, 8 sound grenades, and 5 magazines. RAB-10 recovered 9 weapons, 661 rounds of ammunition, 9 sound grenades, multi-tear gas grenades, and 10 magazines. RAB-11 recovered 10 weapons, 77 rounds of ammunition, 4 sound grenades, and 2 magazines. RAB-12 recovered 43 weapons, 5,559 rounds of ammunition, and 11 magazines. In total, RAB has recovered 97 weapons, 6,585 rounds of ammunition, and 28 magazines from the looted stockpile.
RAB officials have assured that efforts to recover stolen weapons and ammunition, alongside regular patrols and surveillance, will continue to maintain law and order in the country.
Earlier, under the directive of Home Affairs advisor of the Interim Government Brigadier General (Retd.) M Sakhawat Hossain, RAB began coordinated recovery operations with the Bangladesh Army and other forces to restore normalcy and resume operations of police units across the country.
In this context, RAB has urged the voluntary return of the looted weapons and ammunition.