People of religious minorities on Thursday blocked the Shahbagh Intersection in the capital for around four hours to press their four point demands that include formation of a minority affairs ministry and a minority protection commission.
Their two other demands include enactment and enforcement of stringent laws to prevent all forms of attacks on minorities and reservation of 10 per cent parliamentary seats for minorities.
Marching from the National Press Club, the protesters in procession gathered and blocked the Shahbagh Intersection at 3:30pm.
The blockade halted vehicular movement in and around the area until they lifted they blockade at around 7:15pm.
They announced to stage protests again at the Shahbagh Intersection at 3:00pm today.
Meanwhile, the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council held a press conference at Dhaka Reporters Unity calling upon the Dr Muhammad Yunus-led government to take immediate steps to stop violence against religious minorities.
The organisation requested Prof Yunus to protect rights and existence of minorities across the country.
Council President Nirmal Rosario said that thousands of Hindu families faced devastation because of communal violence in 52 districts since the fall of Sheikh Hasina government on August 5.
The press conference was titled 'Unite Against Ongoing Communal Violence Across the Country: An Open Letter to Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus for the Protection of Minority Rights and Existence'.