Dhaka Bank PLC formally inaugurated its 116th branch named Kalapara Branch at Kalapara upozila, Potuakhali District recently, says a press releqase. Sheikh Abdul Bakir, Deputy Managing Director and Manager of Local office of Dhaka Bank inaugurated the branch as chief guest by cutting ribbon. Md Mohiuddin (Moin), Managing Director of MM Builders and Engineers Ltd. was present and spoke as special guests on the occasion of Kalapara branch opening ceremony. Kazi Mizanur Rahman, Manager of Barishal Branch and Altamas Nirjhar, SVP and Head of General Services Division at Head Office, Md Feroz Talukder, Manager of Kalapara branch, Mizanur Rahman, SPO, Communications and Branding Division, at Dhaka Bank Head Office and local guests were present in the programme.