Sometimes, when the night descends deep in between us
The silence speaks then, the words stay quiet
Again sometimes, when the photons comes upon furtively
Quiescence stops near the lips of silence; silently;
Or in the far, farthest corner of the eyes
Where, there is past no more
May be there is no past, not visible there
Maybe it was never there at all
Past is a thing to be lost we know
Who carries it with them like me?
Keeping the burden of hellfire alive in the realms of blood?
Let, therefore, the mystical night come down
Deep in between us, not seldom, not quite often
Let the silence speak then
Let the words stay quiet
Let the waiting rain break its promises
Just like misty fog did once in the past
Today, tonight, therefore, let the deep,
The deepest silence negotiate the silence between us