World Meditation Day was celebrated in Rajshahi city on Tuesday with the theme of 'Bhalo Manshu Bhalo Desh, Swargbhoomi Bangladesh' (Good people, good country, heaven, Bangladesh).
The day was celebrated on Lalon Shah Mukta Manch in the metropolis around 6 am under the initiative of voluntary organization Quantum Foundation Rajshahi Center.
Journalists, media personalities, doctors, teachers, students, businessmen, housewives and people of different ages participated in this hour-long event.
The event was moderated by Quantum Foundation Rajshahi Center Ardentiar Samroz Farha Khan.
Organizers said it is the need of the hour to spread meditation among the people to make the country a paradise with good thoughts, good words, good deeds and good living. Expectation of Meditation Day, through regular practice, meditation will spread from house to house including educational institutions. And with regular practice of solidarity, this country will be transformed into a healthy, active, disciplined and humane society.