Tithy Sarker, who was suspended from Jagannath University (JnU), has been jailed for five years in the Digital Security Act (DSA) case filed in 2020.
Dhaka Cyber Tribunal judge AM Zulfiqar Hayat pronounced the judgement on Monday.
However, the court granted her probation of one year on eight conditions. During the probation, she will be allowed to stay at her home. However, a probation officer will monitor her activities.
Abu Musa Rifat, a student of the university's zoology department, filed the case with the Cyber Tribunal in Dhaka on November 5, 2020.
After holding a hearing, Judge Mohammad Ash Sams Joglul Hossain took the case into cognisance and recorded the complainant's statements the same year.
But Tithi's husband Shiplu Mallik has been acquitted from the case charge.
It was learnt that Tithi Sarker, a student of the university's zoology department, had been making derogatory comments about religion on different social medias for a long time which had triggered protests at the university where the students demanded her punishment.
Then the JnU administration suspended Tithi from the university on October 26, 2020.