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Wednesday | 18 September 2024

Are we prepped to face climate change?

Published : Sunday, 31 December, 2023 at 12:00 AM  Count : 434
Dear sir,

The once-fertile delta trembles under the effects of rising tide of climate change. From saline-soaked fields to factories gasping for air in sweltering heat, Bangladesh faces a tough challenge.

 Cyclone Amphans scars still fester, barely healed before monsoon floods carved fresh wounds. Shrimp vanish from flooded coasts, their nets replaced by despair. Cotton fields wither in merciless droughts; spinning mills hum a tune of job losses. Roads crumble under floodwaters, severing arteries of trade.

Infrastructure budgets buckle under the weight of seawalls and storm shelters, and dreams of prosperity are washed away with each high tide. Is this the new normal? Can Bangladesh, a nation born from a watery revolution, adapt before the rising waves engulf its economic engine? Can rice paddies withstand a saline assault? Can garments be stitched with the threads of resilience?

The answers lie in a desperate scramble for adaptation, forging alliances against a global villain, and rewriting economic scripts with ink dipped in ingenuity and grit. This is a story of rising waters and sinking hopes-Bangladesh, standing tall against the tide, is a beacon of courage in a storm-tossed world. Will they weather the storm?

Tasnim Mahmud Rana
Human Resources Management (SBE)
North South University

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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