Jagannath University (JnU) student Khadijatul Kubra was released from Kashimpur jail on bail on Monday in two separate cases filed under the Digital Security Act, after around 15 months of her arrest.
Confirming the matter, Khadiza's sister Sirajum Munira said, "We came here early in the morning. Khadiza walked out of the prison at 9am. Her semester final exam is today. For this, we came here very early."
On Sunday (November 19), Khadiza's family waited outside the Kashimpur Women's Central Jail the whole day for her release. But, later at night they went back home without her.
Khadijatul Kubra, a student of Political Science at Jagannath University, was arrested on August 27 after police pressed charges against her in two cases filed two years ago. After that, she is in jail as per the court order.
The student has already been denied bail many times.
Kalabagan and New Market police themselves filed the cases on October 11 and October 19, 2020. The student was actually 17 in 2020.
Her crime was hosting a Facebook webinar where a guest speaker made contentious remarks.