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Bathing newborn baby in winter

Published : Saturday, 26 December, 2020 at 12:00 AM  Count : 739
Bathing is a good way to keep newborn clean. Mother should every day to bath her newborn baby.
1. Before starting, make sure the room is warm. Open place is not appropriate to bath. close any doors and windows in room.
2. Fill a bowl with normal temperature water and then mix warm water. But for baby's head normal water is suitable.
3. Mom has to be careful about baby's ear while bathing the baby. Press a clean piece of cotton with coconut or mustard oil into baby's ear.
4. Gently wash your baby's eyes, ears, face, and neck with wet soft cloth.
5. Mom can use moisturising lotion, oil before her bath.
6. After bath wrap your baby in the towel.
7. Now dress your baby in clean clothes.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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