National Bank Limited (NBL) opened its 203rd branch at Benapole, the largest land port of the country, on Wednesday. National Bank Managing Director Choudhury Moshtaq Ahmed inaugurated the branch as the chief guest through a video conference held at the bank's head office in the capital, said a press release. NBL Regional Head (Khulna) Md Rajunur Rashid delivered his address of welcome on the occasion, while its Benapole Branch Manager Md Aminur Rahman presided over the inaugural ceremony. Mayor of Benapole Municipality Md Ashraful Alam Liton, President of Benapole Customs C&F Agents Association Mofizur Rahman Sajan, noted businessman Md Kasheduzzaman Selim and the bank's Jessore Branch Manager Kamol Kumar Nandi attended the ceremony as special guests. The guests thanked the authority of National Bank for opening a branch at the largest and most significant land port in the country.
They expressed their hope that NBL Benapole branch would contribute significantly in the growth of business at this port. Branch managers of NBL Chowgacha and Jhenaidah branches and other officials of its head office and branches were present on the occasion along with a large number of local elite and professionals.