Wednesday | 11 December 2024 | Reg No- 06
Wednesday | 11 December 2024
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Md Golam Sharower
Contact tracing is very important in controlling dengue scourge Dengue outbreak in 2023 broke all previous records and devastated the public life of Bangladesh. This deadly dengue virus took the precious lives of seventeen hundred and five people with the pain of broken bones of three hundred and twenty-one thousand people. In the same sequence, up to October 30, 2024, around 60,527 people were ...
Md Golam Sharower
Dengue scourge taking a turn for worseDengue has already claimed over 182 lives infected 35,365 people across the country. Dengue-carrying Aedes mosquitoes have spread from urban to rural areas. The monsoons have spread throughout the year. So, along with the horrors, the scope of our responsibility and awareness is increasing day by day. The scope of responsibility has expanded from the ministry ...
Md Golam Sharower
How to control the horrors of country wide spread dengueDengue is no longer a city disease. Dengue has now spread nationwide. Likewise, dengue is no longer just a seasonal disease.  It is a year-round disease. From this, it is clear that the country needs to be aware of the disease that is spreading throughout the year to destroy our lives. The results of trying ...
Md Golam Sharower
Holistic approaches of mosquito controlLets start with a story, there was a king in a country. He trusted no one. So he trained a monkey and engaged in his security. The monkey also remains as a constant companion of the king like a good-natured security guard. One day the monkey saw the king resting and a mosquito sitting on ...
Md Golam Sharower
Its time for proper planning to prevent spread of dengueIt is possible to get the desired results only if we can find out the root of the spread of dengue in the long two eras. The plan must be formulated in a very specific manner. All aspects related to the purpose of planning must be taken into consideration. The plan should be formulated clearly ...
Md Golam Sharower
Our varsities should catch up with their global peers “Nowadays different categories of universities have been established in the country. Along with General University, Engineering University, Science and Technology University, Agricultural University, Medical University, Civil Aviation University, Maritime University, Rabindra University, Nazrul University have been established”In the words of Bangabandhu, "We want golden people for a golden country." Golden people will be competent and ...
Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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