Saturday, January 9, 2016, Poush 26, 1422 BS, Rabiul Awal 27, 1437 Hijri

Cut ties with Pakistan: Ganajagaran Mancha gives ultimatum
Observer Online Report
Published :Saturday, 9 January, 2016,  Time : 12:05 AM  View Count : 56

Ganajagaran Mancha slapped the government with a 72-hour ultimatum to sever diplomatic ties with Pakistan after Islamabad asked Dhaka to recall a diplomat without any explanation.

It's spokesman Dr Imran H Sarker on Friday urged the government to cut off all the ties with Pakistan.

Imran H Sarker came up with the comment while speaking at a protest rally held in capital’s Shahbagh area on Friday afternoon.

He also placed a 72-hour ultimatum towards the authority of Pakistan Hi-commission to withdraw all its diplomats from Dhaka. If Pakistan authority failed to do so, its Hi-commission will be besieged.

The leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami are working as their (Pakistani) agent and Pakistan hardly believes the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh. In such condition, no relationship may exist with Pakistan, he added.

Earlier on Tuesday, Pakistan urged Bangladesh authority to withdraw its diplomat Moushumi Rahman from Islamabad within 48-hours.

As per Pakistan 's deadline, Moushumi Rahman left Islamabad for Portugal on Thursday morning to join there with new assignment.


Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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